Indonesia Tourism and Destination Management Research Journal
Indonesia Tourism and Destination Management Research Journal
Vol III Mid 2024
Unveiling Indonesia's Marina Potentials In recent years, the tourism industry has witnessed a surge in demand for tailored experiences. It revolves around customized offerings based on the specific interests of travelers. Nature-based activities, hobbies, and sports are among the driving factors behind this type of tourism. A prime example of special interest tourism is yachting tourism, also referred to as leisure boating tourism. Marinas, a crucial facilities for boating enthusiasts, hold immense potential to contribute significantly to the expanding tourism market, particularly in Indonesia. With nearly 100,000 kilometers of coastline, Indonesia has the second-longest coastline globally, trailing only Canada. However, the country faces concerns due to the insufficient availability of marina facilities. |
Vol II End 2020
Rethinking Wellness Real Estate and Tourism One of the new issues emerged in many parts of the world during the COVID-19 Pandemic is health. Wellbeing. Wellness. Taking care of our physical and mental health is becoming major. Wellness is actually not a new trend, particularly in the tourism industry. Many countries have embraced the trend and we have seen developments incorporating wellness. Wellness real estate continues to show potential opportunities especially when integrated with tourism sector. This IN.SITE - Indonesia Tourism and Destination Management Journal, volume II End 2020 - covers wellness real estate, its market, its opportunity and its development strategy, among others. |
Vol I Mid 2020
Hidden in Plain Sight: Reexploring Glamping Potentials This IN.SITE, Indonesia Tourism and Destination Management Journal, volume I Mid 2020, covers glamping (glamorous camping), one of tourism trends recently being noticed as alternative solution for development of accommodation facilities, in particular for Indonesia, amidst the recovery of tourism sectors post COVID-19 pandemic. We cover some description of market potentials, outlook, some key success factors and other insights on developing a glamping accommodation. |